
Asslamualaikum wr.wb man temann!
Ketemu lagi nih di blog mimin yang ke-entah lah,kali ini kita belajar tentang "Ability"

🍭Ablility adalah ungkapan mengenai kemampuan seseorang

🍭Contoh Exsspressing Ability
•Can you do it?
•Can you fix it?
•I can't fix it,can you hana?
•Do you think we can finish this assignment on time?

🍭Contoh Showing ability
•Don't worry,frying fish is just like frying chicken
•Yes,i can.Let me fix it
•Sure,leave it to me,A piece of cake
•Yes,we can

🍭Contoh dialog
Lili:"Do you think you can make a presentation for this report,kinar?"

Kinar:"Yes i can,it's a piece of cake,You?"

Lili:"So can I.By the way,can you transfer in into a PDF file?I can't do it."

Kinar:"Neither can I. Let me ask my sister.she knows how to do it."

#Sumber buku paket

Sekian terima kasih

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb


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