
Asslamualaikum teman!
Ketemu lagi kita di blog ku yang baru,gimana kabar kalian?

Kali ini kita belajar bareng langsung 3 materi yess?yaitu tentang "Suggestion,Prohibition,Obligation"

🌞Suggestion adalah ungkapan saran/himbauan,suggestion dapat di gunakan dalam bentuk saran,misal kalian mempunyai teman yang nilainya kurang bagus karena malas belajar,nahh kalian dapat memberikan saran dalam hal itu supaya temanmu itu mau belajar dan nilainya bagus.

👉Asking a suggestion
•what do you sugest?
•how about....?
•any idea
•what do you think....?
👉Giving suggestion
You (should) listen to the teacher
You (should) silent
You (shouls be) a smart student
You (should not be) aut->Adv
You (should not be)noisy->Adj
You (should not be) a bad boy ->noun

🌞Contoh dialog
Miss sovi:"you'd better put your items into a backpack and handbag.You should love your body."

Edo:"You cuold be right.Thanks for your suggestion, miss."

Miss sovi:"My pleasure."

#sumber buku paket

🌞Prohibition adalah ungkapan yang menunjukan larangan/ekspresi untuk memperingatkan seseorang agar tidak melakukan hal yang dilarang.

👉Contoh Prohibition
Don't +V¹ +O +Adv
•don't open the door
•don't smoke
•don't talk
Don't +be +Adj
•don't be lazy
•don't be angry
•don't eartees

🌞Giving intruction
(1)V¹ +O +Adv
•close the door
•read the your book

(2)be +Adj
•be silent
•be better
•be honest

🌞Contoh dialog
Kinar:"What?you played basketball with the boys?"

Cindy:"I did.Why are yoy surprised?"

Kinar:"Nothing.Anyway,you should go to the restroom now,to tidy up your shirt.Listen,you only have five minutes before the class begins."

Cindy:"Oh,no,I must hurry."

Kinar:"Yes,you bet."

#sumber buku paket

🌞Obligation adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan keharusan/kewajiban.

                   2.)Have to(I ,you,they,we)
                       Has to(he,she,it)

1.•you must study hard
   •you have to study hard

2.•i must wark hard
   •I have to wark hard

3.•My mother must cook everyday
   •My mother has to everyday
       She:kata ganti

👉Un Obligation
Keyword=1.)Must not:musn't
                   2.)Have not to/has not to
                               👇                👇
                         Haven't            Hasn't

•You must not go home too late
•we have not to smoke
•we have mot to litter
•he has not to tell alir

🌞Contoh dialog
Mrs.Khalisa:"You have to stop that bad habit.Otherwise,you'll wear glasses soon."


#sumber buku paket

Sekian dari mimin,see you next time:)

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb


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